Health and Safety
This page provides the required warning when a product is being sold to a customer in California. We would like our customers to be aware that all circuit boards are made using processes that involve chemicals. This means that any effects pedal that you have, your television set, your car, or anything else that you own containing a circuit board was made using such chemicals. Even Disneyland has felt the effects of Prop 65:

Your likelihood of actual exposure to these chemicals is remote since the circuit board is contained inside the enclosure and we doubt you plan to use it for any purpose which would expose you in a significant way to the chemicals used in producing the circuit board. So, as long as you aren't using it for a cutting board surface for your food or sawing it up and breathing the sawdust you are very unlikely to experience any ill effects from the circuitboard in your effects pedal. We are simply complying with the law in stating this warning to avoid suit pursuant lawyers from suing for non-compliance with California law. For more information on Prop 65 and the requirements, please visit